So since we last spoke, Onur's been getting on brilliantly at school, we've had a fab holiday at Butlins (so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be, in fact we're booked to go again soon!), I have been helping out more at the school and am sort of accidentally in charge of organising the Summer Fete, B-Fest! We've got a dishwasher (lifesaver!) and I've lost 23lbs on Weight Watchers. Weather has been horrid, Christmas was lovely and Kaya has become one of the most intelligent 2 year olds I have ever met!
I think that's about it :)
So I will admit that my blogging knowledge is a little below par to say the least, and that's definitely something I'd like to brush up on. I'm guessing the most important thing is just to write, eh! :) If anyone has any tips to share I would love to hear them!
Oh! But I have to tell you about my latest beauty addiction! You know when you're a mum, you're sometimes run down, you sometimes don't get a lot of sleep and go through the day on zombie autopilot, looking and therefore feeling like crap? Well how would you like to put on some of this miracle product and immediately look fresher and brighter?? The stuff I'm talking about is Olay Multiradiance moisturising lotion and I promise you it's every bit as good as I've said. I've been using it just a few weeks and in the first two days people started asking me if I'd been on holiday, or saying that I look really rested and refreshed!
I just wash my face in the morning, slather on some lotion and look like I've had a full 8 hours sleep! It's blooming brilliant! If you want to check it out, you can do here:Olay Essentials Complete Care Multi-Radiance UV Fluid 75 ml (Packaging Varies)
And trust me, with my kids I need something that makes me look like I've slept. As some of you know, I've had trouble getting Onur dry at night. Now with Onur I think I started trying to potty train him way before he was ready, expected too much of him and then when he started nursery he just regressed and it was really, really hard. He's only just out of pull ups and night and I still have to get up to remind him to go to the toilet - it can be tiring, especially when he's had an accident and I have to change the whole bed too (all without waking up Kaya!) so with Kaya I have just decided to leave it up to him, when he's ready, he's ready. He knows where the potty and toilet are, what they are for and it's totally up to him when to use them. What do all you mummies think? Is this the right approach? I'm desperate to get it right first time and with the least amount of trauma to us all!
And with that, I think I'm done for the day. I am ABSOLUTELY going to be back tomorrow. Yes I am.
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